Magic the Gathering Modern Horizons III Release

Raging Gazebo Comics & Games Madison AL 8760 Madison Blvd, Ste U, Madison, AL, United States

Modern Horizons III is bringing even more cards to the non-rotating format with a complex draft format. The set will have double-faced cards, something neither of the previous Modern Horizon sets included.

Magic the Gathering Assassin’s Creed® Release

Raging Gazebo Comics & Games Madison AL 8760 Madison Blvd, Ste U, Madison, AL, United States

The Animus has a new destination: Magic: The Gathering. Take a Leap of Faith into a new format of the game you love and find the weapons, characters, and real-world locations waiting on the battlefield. The only way to uncover the secrets of the past is to follow in the footsteps of the assassins who came […]

Magic the Gathering Bloomburrow Release

Raging Gazebo Comics & Games Madison AL 8760 Madison Blvd, Ste U, Madison, AL, United States

Bravery comes in all sizes! Put your best paw forward and enter the world of Bloomburrow. When elemental forces rage out of control, the salvation of the Valley falls on the shoulders of its smallest protectors. Fight beside mice, frogs, bats, birds, lizards, squirrels, and other critters as you restore the balance of peace.

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