Bestiary 3 [P2]



  • Over 300 monsters from mythology, folklore, and Pathfinder lore
  • Stunning full-color illustrations on almost every page
  • Comprehensive monster lists sorted by level, type, and rarity
  • Universal rules for special attacks, defenses, and qualities
  • Detailed lore sidebars with additional Pathfinder insights

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Pathfinder: Bestiary 3 [P2] is the ultimate monster compendium for Pathfinder games. It features:

  • Over 300 creatures from myth, legend, and the Pathfinder universe.
  • Stunning full-color illustrations on nearly every page.
  • Comprehensive monster lists sorted by level, type, and rarity.

This 320-page rulebook completes the creature collection started in the first two Bestiary volumes. From clockworks to tooth fairies, it offers something for players at every level. Rediscover iconic monsters like imperial dragons and titans, alongside new menaces from Golarion.

Universal monster rules simplify the integration of special abilities, attacks, and defenses. Lore sidebars provide additional context on Pathfinder’s creatures. Whether you’re a seasoned Game Master or new to Pathfinder, Bestiary 3 enhances your campaign with new storytelling possibilities.

This indispensable tome elevates Pathfinder adventures, making it essential for enthusiasts seeking to enrich their gaming experiences.

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